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Rescuing Important Emails from the Junk Folder with Microsoft Graph API

Posted on October 18th, 2024 by Nuform

Introduction: Because, Of Course, It Had to Be the CEO

Let me paint you a picture: we were managing the Microsoft 365 environment for one of our long-time customers, let’s call them Company A. We had everything running smoothly—mailboxes organized, Teams working like a charm, and security policies in place. You know, the usual IT perfection (or at least close enough!). Then, out of nowhere, Company A gets bought by Company B—another company that was also using Microsoft 365 but on a completely different tenant. I mean, what’s better than managing one tenant? Managing two, of course! 🙄

The plan was simple: assess the current environment, plan the migration, and move over a few hundred—okay, maybe a few thousand—users from Tenant A to Tenant B. Easy, right? Well, it would have been if the CEO of Company B (now CEO of both companies) hadn’t decided to send a heartfelt, company-wide welcome email to all employees from Company A. You know, one of those, “Welcome to the family, let’s make magic happen together” emails.

Sounds nice, right? Except that for some reason, this email didn’t land in everyone’s inbox. Oh no, it decided to take a detour straight into the junk folder of several employees in Tenant A. And of course, it couldn’t be just anyone. Nope—it’s always the CEO, CFO, or some other high-level executive who faces this kind of issue. Why is it always the top brass? I’m convinced it’s the universe’s way of keeping us humble

So there we were, tasked with quietly and efficiently moving the CEO’s email out of the junk folder and into the inbox—without raising any eyebrows, of course. No one needs to know that the new CEO’s warm welcome was rejected by the company’s spam filter

That’s where the Microsoft Graph API comes in to save the day (and our sanity). In this blog, I’m going to walk you through how we used the Graph API to find those misplaced emails and move them to the inbox, all without anyone even noticing. You’ll get code samples, tips, and maybe a few laughs along the way—because, let’s be honest, if we can’t laugh at our IT woes, what else can we do?

Stick around, and I’ll show you how to become the email-moving ninja your CEO desperately needs. Ready? Let’s dive in!

What You’ll Need to Become an Email-Rescuing Ninja

Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how we’re going to rescue those poor, misplaced emails from the junk folder using the Microsoft Graph API. Before we start flipping bits and bytes, here’s what we’ll be doing (and don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it step by step—funny analogies included).

Step 1: Authenticating with the Graph API (Because We Need the Keys to the Castle Before We Can Move Anything Around)

Before we can start shuffling emails from the junk folder to the inbox, we need permission. Think of it like trying to get into a fancy club—you need to show your VIP pass at the door. In our case, that VIP pass is the OAuth2 access token, which lets us call the Microsoft Graph API to interact with users’ mailboxes.

In this step, we’ll be:

  • Setting up app registration in Azure AD (because no API wants to talk to just anyone).
  • Getting the appropriate permissions to read and write emails using the Mail. ReadWrite scope.
  • Generating our access token, which is like getting the master key to every user’s mailbox. (Don’t worry, we’ll be responsible with this power. It’s not like we’re looking for juicy gossip or anything.)

Step 2: Searching for Those Sneaky Emails in the Junk Folder

Once we’ve got our access token (a.k.a. the keys to the castle), it’s time to go email hunting. The good news is, the Graph API is like a professional detective—it’ll help us track down those misplaced CEO emails that thought they could hide in the junk folder.

We’ll use the API to:

  • Search through the JunkEmail folder for emails with specific subjects, senders, or time frames (in this case, our poor CEO’s welcome message).
  • Get the email IDs of the junked messages so we know exactly which ones to move.

Think of it like finding that one sock that always goes missing after laundry day. You know it’s there somewhere, hiding in plain sight.

Step 3: Moving Emails to the Inbox—Where They Belong (Like Putting Socks in the SockDrawer After Laundry Day)

Now that we’ve found the elusive CEO email in the junk folder, it’s time to move it where it rightfully belongs—the inbox. This is the digital equivalent of putting socks back in the sock drawer after laundry day. It’s a simple act, but one that makes all the difference in avoiding chaos. 😅

In this step, we’ll:

  • Use the Graph API’s move endpoint to relocate the emails from the junk folder to the inbox.
  • Make sure everything is neatly organized in its proper place—no more important
    emails getting flagged as junk

Step 4: Doing All This Without Tipping Off the Users (Stealth Mode: Activated!)

Finally, we’ve got to make sure all this happens without anyone noticing. No one needs to know that their brand-new CEO’s heartfelt welcome email was considered digital garbage by the spam filter. We’ll move the emails in stealth mode—silent, efficient, and completely under the radar

In this step, we’ll:

  • Ensure the users aren’t alerted by unnecessary notifications.
  • Keep everything quiet, like a ninja slipping into the shadows after a job well done.

Because the last thing you want is for someone to ask, “Hey, why did the CEO’s email land in junk?”

Step 1: Authenticating with the Graph API (Because No Ninja Gets into the Castle Without the Right Keys)

Alright, warriors, the first step of our mission is to secure access to the Graph API—this is your golden ticket to all the inbox-saving power. But, like any good ninja, we don’t just barge in through the front door. We need to sneak in the right way by grabbing an OAuth2 token that’ll let us call the Graph API like pros. Ready to get your key to the castle? Let’s break it down:

Step 1.1: Registering Your App in Azure AD (The Secret Entrance)

To get started, you need to register your app in Azure Active Directory. This is where we create a stealthy identity for our app, which we’ll use to request the magical token that gives us access.

  • Head over to the Azure Portal and sign in.
  • In the left-hand menu, click Azure Active Directory.
  • Go to App Registrations and hit New Registration.
  • Give your app a name (something cool like “NinjaEmailMover”).
  • Under Supported account types, select Accounts in this organizational directory only (if you’re only working within your organization).
  • For the Redirect URI, choose Public client/native and enter
  • Click Register, and boom—you’ve just created the app that will let you perform your ninja magic

Step 1.2: Granting Permissions to the App (Power Up)

Now that we’ve registered the app, we need to give it the right


to read and move emails. Because without the right permissions, our ninja tools are pretty much useless.

  • In your newly created app, go to API Permissions.
  • Click Add a permission, then choose Microsoft Graph.
  • Select Delegated Permissions and check the following:
      > Mail.ReadWrite (Allows your app to read and move emails)
      > User.Read (This one’s default, and it’s just to read basic user profile info)
  • Once you’ve added the permissions, click Grant admin consent to give your app the green light to actually use them.

Now your app has the power it needs to read and move emails. Pretty cool, right? 🔥

Step 1.3: Creating a Client Secret (Your Ninja Tool)

Next up, we need to create a Client Secret. This is like your app’s katana—it’ll let you authenticate and request access tokens when you call the Graph API.

  • Go to Certificates & Secrets in your app’s settings.
  • Click New client secret.
  • Give it a description (like “NinjaSecret”) and choose an expiration time.
  • Click Add.
  • Important: Copy the secret value and store it somewhere safe (not on a Post-it note!). You’ll need it to authenticate your app, and you won’t be able to see it again after you leave this page.

Step 1.4: Store That Token Securely (Guard It Like a True Ninja)

Your token is your pass to the API, and just like any secret tool in your ninja arsenal, you need to protect it. This token is typically valid for 60 minutes, so make sure you refresh
it before it expires.
What This Script Does?
What This Script Does?

  • Authenticate: It first grabs an OAuth2 access token so we can communicate with the Microsoft Graph API.
  • Search the Junk Folder: For each user, the script will search the Junk Email folder for emails matching a specific subject.
  • Move Emails: If the email is found, it will be copied (moved) to the user’s inbox.
  • Log Progress: We’ll get live feedback from the script on whether emails were found and moved successfully or not.

Step 1: Authentication (Because We Need Permission to Move Stuff)

Before we start rummaging through users’ junk folders, we need to authenticate with the Graph API. This is done using OAuth2, and the script will request an access token by passing in the ClientID, TenantID, and ClientSecret of our Azure AD app.
Here’s the function that handles this for us:

This function sends a request to Azure AD, asking for a token that gives us permission to access users’ mailboxes. You’ll need to replace , , and with your actual values from your Azure AD app registration. This token is our “all-access pass” to the Graph API. Fun fact: Getting this token feels like having the master key to the building…except this key only opens inboxes and junk folders. 🗝️

Step 2: Reading User Emails from a File (Bulk Operations for the Win)

To avoid manually specifying each user, this script reads a list of users from a text file. Each email in the file will be processed in turn. Here’s how we grab that list of users:

Each user’s email address should be listed on a new line in the text file. The script will iterate over this list and handle junk email detection for each user. It’s a nice bulk operation—no need to handle one user at a time.

Step 3: Searching for Emails in the Junk Folder (Ninja Radar On)

Now, for each user in our list, we’ll search their JunkEmail folder for any messages that match the specified subject. We’re using the Microsoft Graph API to do this

This part of the script constructs the Graph API URL that targets the JunkEmail folder for a particular user ($userEmail). The ?$filter=subject eq ‘$emailSubject’ part filters the emails to only those matching the subject you specify.

It’s like being a ninja detective, scanning for emails that don’t belong in the shadows of the junk folder. 🥷📧

Step 4: Moving the Email to the Inbox (Time to Strike)

Once we’ve located the email in the junk folder, we need to move it to the inbox where it belongs. Here’s how we do that:

Here’s what happens in this block:

  • First, we check if any matching emails were found in the junk folder ($junkEmails.value.Count -eq 0).
  • If no email is found, the script logs a message and moves on to the next user.
  • If an email is found, we extract the message ID and construct the API call to move (copy) it to the inbox.
  • The destinationId = “inbox” specifies where the email will be moved.

Step 5: Logging the Results (Because Feedback is Key)

The script gives you live feedback about whether it found an email and successfully moved it. This way, you can monitor what’s happening and make sure the operation runs smoothly. You’ll know exactly what’s going on, and you can intervene if something looks off.

Wrapping It Up: Ninja Level 100 Achieved!

And there you have it! With just a few lines of PowerShell and the power of the Microsoft Graph API, you’ve become a master of email movement, whisking important messages out of the junk folder and into the inbox—all without breaking a sweat.

This script is especially handy if you’re managing multiple users and don’t want to dig through each junk folder manually. Now, you can let PowerShell and the Graph API do the heavy lifting while you take the credit for saving the day.

So next time a CEO’s email ends up in the junk folder, you’ll be ready. Just don’t forget to add this to your IT ninja toolbox! 🥷✨
Have any questions or issues? Drop them in the comments below, and let’s troubleshoot together!

Power BI Consulting Company

Posted on September 17th, 2024 by Nuform

Power BI Consulting Company: Empowering Businesses with Data-Driven Insights

In today’s competitive landscape, organizations need actionable insights to stay ahead. Power BI, a powerful business intelligence tool by Microsoft, enables companies to transform raw data into valuable insights through interactive reports, visualizations, and real-time dashboards. As a leading Power BI consulting company, Mismo Systems specializes in helping businesses in India—including Noida, Delhi, Bangalore—and the USA leverage Power BI to drive smarter decision-making and improve overall efficiency.

Why Choose Mismo Systems for Power BI Consulting Company?

  1. Expert Power BI Consulting At Mismo Systems, we provide end-to-end Power BI consulting services, from data integration and dashboard creation to advanced analytics. Our team of certified consultants has deep expertise in Power BI, helping businesses maximize the tool’s potential to transform complex data into meaningful insights.
  2. Tailored Power BI Solutions Every business has unique data challenges. We offer customized Power BI solutions to address your specific needs—whether you need interactive dashboards, custom reports, or advanced analytics. Our solutions are tailored to fit your organization’s goals, ensuring you make informed, data-driven decisions.
  3. Seamless Data Integration Our consulting services include seamless integration of data from multiple sources—whether from cloud, on-premises systems, or third-party applications. We ensure that all your critical data is accessible in one place, enabling you to analyze and visualize data efficiently in Power BI.
  4. Custom Dashboard and Report Development We create custom Power BI dashboards and reports that align with your business objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs). These real-time, interactive dashboards allow decision-makers to gain a clear, actionable view of business performance and trends, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition.
  5. Advanced Analytics and Predictive Modeling Our Power BI consulting goes beyond basic reporting. We help businesses unlock the power of advanced analytics and predictive modeling, providing deep insights that help forecast future trends and drive strategic decision-making.
  6. Power BI Embedded Solutions Mismo Systems specializes in embedding Power BI solutions into your existing applications or websites, providing a seamless user experience. This allows your team and customers to access reports and data visualizations within familiar platforms, driving greater engagement and value.
  7. Training and Support We offer comprehensive training to ensure your team can fully leverage Power BI’s capabilities. From basic report generation to advanced data analysis, we empower your employees to utilize Power BI effectively. Additionally, we provide ongoing support to ensure your Power BI environment remains optimized.

Power BI Consulting Company for Businesses in India and the USA

With a strong presence in major Indian cities like Noida, Delhi, and Bangalore, along with expertise serving businesses in the USA, Mismo Systems is well-positioned to offer Power BI consulting services tailored to regional and global businesses. Our experience spans across industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, and technology, delivering industry-specific Power BI solutions that meet your unique business needs.

Benefits of Choosing Mismo Systems as Your Power BI Consulting Partner:

  • Deep Industry Expertise: We have successfully implemented Power BI solutions across a range of industries, giving us the insight needed to tackle diverse business challenges with customized solutions.
  • Scalable Solutions: Whether you are a startup or a large enterprise, we offer scalable Power BI solutions that grow with your business. Our services are designed to adapt to your evolving data needs as your business expands in India and beyond.
  • Comprehensive Support: Our Power BI consulting services extend beyond implementation. We offer continuous support to ensure your BI environment is optimized and running smoothly, allowing your business to remain agile and data-driven.
  • Global and Local Expertise: With a presence in both India and the USA, Mismo Systems combines local expertise with a global perspective, delivering solutions that cater to regional and international business environments.

Unlock the Power of Your Data with Mismo Systems

As your trusted Power BI consulting company, Mismo Systems is committed to helping your business unlock the full potential of its data. With our comprehensive Power BI solutions, we transform raw data into strategic assets, empowering your organization with the tools and insights needed for success.

Contact us today to learn how our Power BI consulting services can drive data-driven transformation for your business.

Power BI Partners

Posted on September 17th, 2024 by Nuform

Power BI Partners: Driving Data-Driven Solutions

As a trusted Power BI partner, Mismo Systems is dedicated to empowering organizations with comprehensive business intelligence and data visualization solutions. We specialize in helping businesses across India—including Delhi, Noida, Bangalore—and the USA transform their data into actionable insights through Microsoft Power BI. Our partnership ensures that clients get the most out of Power BI’s powerful tools, enabling them to make informed decisions, enhance operational efficiency, and drive growth.

Why Choose Mismo Systems as Your Power BI Partner?

  1. Certified Power BI Expertise As a certified Microsoft Power BI partner, Mismo Systems brings industry-leading expertise in implementing and optimizing Power BI solutions. Our consultants are trained and experienced in the latest Power BI tools and features, ensuring that your business gets the best in analytics and reporting capabilities.
  2. Custom Solutions Tailored to Your Needs Every business is unique, and so are its data needs. Mismo Systems provides tailored Power BI solutions, designed specifically to meet your organizational goals. Whether you are looking for customized dashboards, advanced data models, or seamless integration, we deliver solutions that fit your business requirements.
  3. Seamless Data Integration As a Power BI partner, we help businesses integrate their data from various sources—whether cloud-based, on-premises, or third-party applications. Our expertise ensures smooth data migration and integration, allowing you to visualize and analyze your data from a single platform.
  4. Real-Time Analytics and Reporting Our Power BI solutions enable real-time analytics, providing live data insights that are crucial for decision-making. With real-time reporting and interactive dashboards, you can track key performance indicators (KPIs), monitor trends, and make timely business decisions.
  5. Embedded Power BI Solutions Mismo Systems offers Power BI Embedded solutions that integrate data visualizations and reports into your own applications. This allows you to deliver interactive and insightful reports to your team or customers, without leaving your existing systems.
  6. Comprehensive Training and Support Our role as your Power BI partner doesn’t end with implementation. We provide training for your team, ensuring they can effectively use Power BI to its fullest potential. Additionally, our ongoing support services ensure your Power BI environment remains optimized and continues to deliver value.

Power BI Solutions for Businesses in India and the USA

Mismo Systems delivers Power BI solutions to businesses in major Indian cities such as Delhi, Noida, Bangalore, as well as in the USA. Whether you are a small enterprise or a large organization, we work closely with you to unlock the full potential of your data. As your Power BI partner, we offer a range of services designed to meet your analytics and reporting needs, allowing you to focus on what matters most—growing your business.

Key Benefits of Partnering with Mismo Systems:

  • Deep Industry Experience: We have extensive experience across industries such as finance, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and technology, providing data solutions that meet industry-specific needs.
  • Scalable Solutions: Our Power BI services are scalable, ensuring they grow with your business. Whether you’re expanding across India or entering new markets in the USA, we provide solutions that adapt to your evolving data needs.
  • End-to-end Services: From consultation and strategy to implementation and ongoing support, Mismo Systems provides end-to-end Power BI services, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.
  • Cutting-Edge Solutions: As a Microsoft partner, we stay ahead of the latest advancements in Power BI, offering you access to the most innovative and powerful tools available.

Let’s Transform Your Data

As your trusted Power BI partner, Mismo Systems is committed to helping you unlock the full potential of your data. From integrating data sources to creating powerful visualizations, we empower your business with the tools and insights needed for growth and success.

Contact us today to learn how our Power BI partnership can help you achieve your data-driven goals.


2. Seamless Integration with Microsoft Teams

As remote and hybrid work models become the norm, integration with collaboration tools is more important than ever. Power BI’s integration with Microsoft Teams allows you to: 


– Embed interactive Power BI reports directly in Teams channels and chats 

– Collaborate on data analysis in real-time with colleagues 

– Share and discuss insights without leaving the Teams environment 

– Set up data-driven alerts within Teams 


Best Practice: Use the Power BI tab in Teams to create a centralized location for your most important reports and dashboards, making it easy for team members to access critical data within their daily workflow. 

The screenshot below shows how a Power BI report can be viewed on a Microsoft Teams: 

 3. Automated Report Distribution with Subscriptions

In the high-stakes world of business, staying ahead means staying informed. But let’s face it: nobody dreams of waking up to a flood of reports. That’s where Power BI’s subscription feature comes in, turning information overload into actionable insights at a glance. Instead of drowning in data, decision-makers can now receive a concise snapshot of their most critical metrics right when they need it – whether that’s with their morning coffee or just before a crucial meeting. This smart approach to information sharing ensures that key stakeholders are always equipped with the latest data, without the need to dig through dashboards or lengthy reports. Power BI’s subscription feature allows you to: 

– Schedule automatic delivery of reports and dashboards via email 

– Set up different subscription schedules for various stakeholders 

– Send snapshots or links to live reports 

– Manage subscriptions centrally for better control and governance 


Best Practice: Use row-level security in combination with subscriptions to ensure that each recipient only receives the data they’re authorized to view. 

The following screenshot displays the interface for setting up a Power BI report subscription and how the subscription email come in your inbox. 


4. Proactive Insights with Data Alerts

To truly excel, businesses need proactive tools that offer real-time insights and early warnings. Power BI’s data alert feature is designed precisely for this purpose, helping you stay ahead of the curve by: automatically notifying you of critical changes and anomalies in your data, allowing you to address issues before they escalate, and making informed decisions with up-to-date information. Power BI’s data alert feature allows you to: 


– Set up custom alerts based on specific metrics or KPIs 

– Receive notifications when data changes meet your defined criteria 

– Configure alert sensitivity to avoid notification fatigue 

– Share alerts with team members for collaborative monitoring 


Best Practice: Start with a few critical metrics for alerts and gradually expand. This helps prevent alert overload and ensures that notifications remain meaningful and actionable. 

The screenshot below illustrates the process of creating a data-driven alert in Power BI: 


Power BI service offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to the complex needs of enterprise analytics. By leveraging mobile access, Teams integration, automated subscriptions, and proactive alerts, organizations can foster a data-driven culture that empowers employees at all levels to make informed decisions. 

As you implement Power BI in your organization, remember that successful adoption goes beyond just the technology. Focus on user training, establish clear data governance policies, and continuously gather feedback to refine your analytics strategy. 

By harnessing the full potential of Power BI service, your organization can transform raw data into actionable insights, driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced business landscape. 

Power BI Development Company

Posted on September 17th, 2024 by Nuform

Empowering Data-Driven Insights in India (Delhi, Noida, Bangalore) and USA

In today’s digital landscape, businesses are generating vast amounts of data from multiple sources. The challenge lies in extracting meaningful insights from this data to drive informed decisions. This is where Power BI development companies play a crucial role. Power BI, a powerful business analytics tool by Microsoft, is designed to transform data into rich, interactive visualizations, offering unparalleled insights. As a leading technology consulting and software engineering firm, Mismo Systems is committed to delivering advanced Power BI solutions, empowering organizations in Delhi, Noida, India, Bangalore, and across the USA.

Why Choose Power BI for Your Business?

Power BI offers a seamless and scalable platform for data integration, analysis, and visualization. Its intuitive interface, cloud-based deployment, and robust reporting capabilities make it the preferred choice for businesses aiming to harness data intelligence. Here’s why Power BI development stands out:

  1. Comprehensive Data Integration: Power BI integrates data from multiple sources, including on-premise databases, cloud services, and third-party applications. Whether you’re working with SQL Server, Excel, or CRM systems, Power BI provides seamless connectivity, allowing businesses in diverse sectors to consolidate their data.
  2. Advanced Analytics with AI: Power BI’s integration with artificial intelligence and machine learning allows companies to automate tasks, predict trends, and uncover hidden patterns in data. This helps organizations stay ahead of the curve in competitive industries, especially in tech hubs like Bangalore and Delhi.
  3. Custom Dashboards and Interactive Reports: Power BI offers personalized dashboards, where users can interact with data, drill down into specifics, and generate reports tailored to their needs. Custom reports enable decision-makers to visualize data trends, track KPIs, and make informed decisions.
  4. Real-time Data Processing: Real-time analytics is crucial for businesses, particularly in fast-moving industries such as IT and finance. Power BI supports real-time data streaming, allowing users to monitor performance metrics live. This capability is particularly useful for businesses in the USA and India, where continuous monitoring and swift decision-making are vital.
  5. Seamless Collaboration: Power BI integrates seamlessly with Microsoft tools like Teams, Excel, and SharePoint, making it easier for teams to collaborate and share insights. It also supports mobile accessibility, ensuring that stakeholders in different locations—whether in Noida, Delhi, or the USA—can access critical data anytime, anywhere.

Mismo Systems: Your Trusted Power BI Development Partner

Mismo Systems is a leader in delivering Power BI development services, helping businesses unlock the true potential of their data. Our team of certified Power BI experts provides end-to-end services, from data integration and custom dashboard development to reporting and real-time analytics. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Customized Solutions: We understand that every business has unique needs. At Mismo Systems, we tailor Power BI solutions to fit the specific requirements of organizations, whether they’re in Delhi, Bangalore, or the USA.
  • End-to-End Support: From the initial consultation to deployment and post-implementation support, our team is with you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless Power BI experience.
  • Expertise Across Industries: We have extensive experience across various sectors, including finance, healthcare, retail, and manufacturing. Our expertise enables us to create custom solutions that align with industry-specific needs, driving efficiency and growth.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Whether you’re a small startup in Noida or a large enterprise in the USA, our Power BI solutions are designed to scale with your business. We offer flexibility in deployment—whether on-premises, cloud, or hybrid.

Industries We Serve

Our Power BI solutions are designed to meet the unique challenges faced by businesses across a range of industries:

  • Finance: Real-time monitoring of financial metrics, fraud detection, and compliance reporting.
  • Retail: Understanding customer behavior, managing inventory, and sales forecasting.
  • Healthcare: Tracking patient outcomes, operational efficiencies, and regulatory compliance.
  • Manufacturing: Analyzing production data, monitoring equipment efficiency, and reducing downtime.


In today’s data-driven world, having the right analytics platform is crucial for business success. Power BI offers the tools to turn data into actionable insights, helping organizations thrive in competitive markets. At Mismo Systems, we leverage our expertise in Power BI development to empower businesses in Delhi, Noida, Bangalore, and across the USA. Our customized solutions ensure that companies can unlock the full potential of their data, driving growth and innovation.

If you’re looking for a trusted Power BI development company to help you harness the power of data, contact Mismo Systems today. Together, we can transform your business with cutting-edge Power BI solutions.

Power Bi Development Services

Posted on September 17th, 2024 by Nuform

Power BI Development Services: Unlocking Data-Driven Success

At Mismo Systems, we offer specialized Power BI development services to help organizations make the most of their data. Our services are designed to transform raw data into valuable insights through powerful visualizations and real-time analytics, enabling businesses to drive smarter decisions and streamline operations. Whether your company is based in Delhi, Noida, Bangalore, or the USA, our Power BI solutions are tailored to meet your unique needs.

Our Power BI Development Services:

  1. Custom Dashboard Development We design and implement custom Power BI dashboards that provide a clear and insightful view of your business metrics. Our dashboards are highly interactive, enabling you to drill down into data, visualize trends, and create personalized reports that align with your KPIs.
  2. Data Integration and Modeling Our team helps integrate data from multiple sources—both cloud-based and on-premise—into Power BI. We create efficient data models that simplify complex data relationships, ensuring faster and more accurate data analysis.
  3. Power BI Reporting We deliver comprehensive Power BI reports that provide real-time insights into your business performance. Whether it’s financial data, sales figures, or customer trends, our reports are designed to be easily understood and actionable.
  4. Real-Time Analytics Power BI’s real-time analytics capabilities help you stay updated with live data, allowing for immediate decision-making. We configure Power BI to stream data in real-time, so you can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and react instantly.
  5. Power BI Embedded If you want to integrate Power BI reports and dashboards into your applications or websites, we offer Power BI Embedded services. This allows your team or clients to access interactive data visualizations within their familiar environments.
  6. Power BI Mobile We ensure that your Power BI dashboards and reports are accessible on mobile devices, providing a seamless experience for your team and stakeholders, whether they are in Delhi, Noida, or across the globe.
  7. Advanced Analytics and AI Integration We integrate advanced analytics and AI-powered insights into Power BI, allowing businesses to predict trends, identify patterns, and automate data analysis processes. This enables smarter decision-making and more precise forecasting.
  8. Power BI Training and Support We offer comprehensive training sessions to empower your team with the knowledge they need to utilize Power BI to its fullest. Our support services also ensure that your Power BI environment runs smoothly and efficiently, with troubleshooting and ongoing assistance.

Why Choose Mismo Systems for Power BI Development?

  • Experienced Team: Our certified Power BI developers have a deep understanding of data analytics, business intelligence, and cloud solutions, ensuring top-quality service delivery.
  • End-to-End Services: From consultation and development to deployment and support, we provide complete Power BI solutions customized for your business.
  • Tailored Solutions: We recognize that every business has different data needs, which is why we offer customized Power BI solutions that fit your industry, scale, and operational requirements.
  • Global Reach: Whether you’re in India (Delhi, Noida, Bangalore) or the USA, our services cater to global businesses seeking data-driven success.

Transform Your Business with Power BI

By partnering with Mismo Systems for Power BI development services, you’ll gain the tools and expertise necessary to turn data into actionable insights. Our goal is to empower your organization with cutting-edge analytics and reporting that drive success.

Contact us today to learn how our Power BI development services can help you harness the power of data.

Power BI Service for Enterprise Analytics

Posted on September 10th, 2024 by Nuform

In today’s data-driven business landscape, enterprise analytics plays a crucial role in informed decision-making and maintaining a competitive edge. Microsoft’s Power BI service has emerged as a powerful tool for organizations seeking robust, scalable, and user-friendly analytics solutions. This blog will delve into some of the key features that make Power BI service an excellent choice for enterprise analytics, with a focus on accessibility, integration, and proactive insights.

1. Mobile Access: Analytics on the Go

In an increasingly mobile world, the ability to access critical business insights anytime, anywhere is paramount. Power BI’s mobile app brings the full power of your analytics to your smartphone or tablet, enabling you to: 

– View and interact with dashboards and reports

– Set up mobile-optimized views of your reports 

– Annotate and share insights directly from your device 

– Use natural language queries to get quick answers

To get started with the Power BI mobile app, simply download it from your device’s app store. Once installed, log in with your work email address to access your workspace and Power BI reports. This seamless integration ensures that you have the same secure access to your data on mobile as you do on your desktop, maintaining data governance and security protocols.

  • Best Practice: Design your reports with mobile in mind. Use the “Phone Layout” feature in Power BI Desktop to create mobile-optimized versions of your dashboards and reports. 
    The following screenshot illustrates the Power BI mobile app, showcasing how reports and dashboards appear on a mobile device:

2. Seamless Integration with Microsoft Teams

As remote and hybrid work models become the norm, integration with collaboration tools is more important than ever. Power BI’s integration with Microsoft Teams allows you to: 

– Embed interactive Power BI reports directly in Teams channels and chats

– Collaborate on data analysis in real-time with colleagues 

– Share and discuss insights without leaving the Teams environment 

– Set up data-driven alerts within Teams

  • Best Practice: Use the Power BI tab in Teams to create a centralized location for your most important reports and dashboards, making it easy for team members to access critical data within their daily workflow.
    The screenshot below shows how a Power BI report can be viewed on a Microsoft Teams:

3. Automated Report Distribution with Subscriptions

In the high-stakes world of business, staying ahead means staying informed. But let’s face it: nobody dreams of waking up to a flood of reports. That’s where Power BI’s subscription feature comes in, turning information overload into actionable insights at a glance. Instead of drowning in data, decision-makers can now receive a concise snapshot of their most critical metrics right when they need it – whether that’s with their morning coffee or just before a crucial meeting. This smart approach to information sharing ensures that key stakeholders are always equipped with the latest data, without the need to dig through dashboards or lengthy reports. Power BI’s subscription feature allows you to:

– Schedule automatic delivery of reports and dashboards via email 

– Set up different subscription schedules for various stakeholders 

– Send snapshots or links to live reports 

– Manage subscriptions centrally for better control and governance 

  • Best Practice: Use row-level security in combination with subscriptions to ensure that each recipient only receives the data they’re authorized to view.
    The following screenshot displays the interface for setting up a Power BI report subscription and how the subscription email come in your inbox.

4. Proactive Insights with Data Alerts

To truly excel, businesses need proactive tools that offer real-time insights and early warnings. Power BI’s data alert feature is designed precisely for this purpose, helping you stay ahead of the curve by : automatically notifying you of critical changes and anomalies in your data, allowing you to address issues before they escalate, and making informed decisions with up-to-date information. Power BI’s data alert feature allows you to:

– Set up custom alerts based on specific metrics or KPIs

– Receive notifications when data changes meet your defined criteria 

– Configure alert sensitivity to avoid notification fatigue 

– Share alerts with team members for collaborative monitoring

  • Best Practice: Start with a few critical metrics for alerts and gradually expand. This helps prevent alert overload and ensures that notifications remain meaningful and actionable.

The screenshot below illustrates the process of creating a data-driven alert in Power BI:


Power BI service offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to the complex needs of enterprise analytics. By leveraging mobile access, Teams integration, automated subscriptions, and proactive alerts, organizations can foster a data-driven culture that empowers employees at all levels to make informed decisions.

As you implement Power BI in your organization, remember that successful adoption goes beyond just the technology. Focus on user training, establish clear data governance policies, and continuously gather feedback to refine your analytics strategy. 

By harnessing the full potential of Power BI service, your organization can transform raw data into actionable insights, driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced business landscape. 

Planning Your Legacy Application Migration to Containers

Posted on September 10th, 2024 by Nuform

This blog post is in continuation to “Why Migrate Legacy Applications to Containers and What are the Challenges this Brings?” where we dove into the transformative world of containerization and learnt why migrating your legacy applications to containers not only future-proofs your infrastructure but also enhances scalability, efficiency, and consistency.

In this part, unravel the complexities of planning a successful migration to containers. From assessing your applications to choosing the right tools, get expert insights into each step of the planning phase.

The migration starts with an assessment of existing applications. It is a very exploratory venture. This step is really key, as it tells which applications are going to be the best fit for containerization and which are likely to need too much alteration. Here’s the process of conducting this assessment:


• Application Inventory: Inventory of all applications and services that are running in the current environment. The inventory should be covering the software details, version of the software, underlining infrastructure, dependencies, and usage statistics.


• Dependency Mapping: Create detailed dependency maps for each application, including libraries, external services, and data stores they communicate with. Define and create such relations in a container environment using a tool like Docker Compose.


• Identify Probable Candidates for Challenges: Search for anything that can act as a hindrance to your migration, such as tightly coupled components, stateful applications, or compliance requirements that might drive what applications need re-architecture or migrate first.


Choosing the Right Tools


In considering a transition to containers, some really key things are identified in terms of the tools and platforms. Docker and Kubernetes are the most popular, but they carry different purposes:


Docker: This is an accompanying tool in running containers, which empowers users to create, deploy, and run them using simple commands and a Dockerfile. In controlling the lifecycle of the container and developing a container-based application in a local environment, Docker would be perfect.


• Kubernetes: While Docker orchestrates at an individual container level, Kubernetes does orchestration of containers at a larger scale. It does deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications across clusters of machines. It has come out with all the prominence and importance in today’s production environments that call for high availability, escalation, and load balancing.

When choosing tools, consider:


• Compatibility: Ensure the tools integrate well with your existing CI/CD pipelines and development workflows.


• Scalability: Always go for tooling that will scale with the demands of your application. For example: In case your deployment is of large scale, then Kubernetes is a brilliant tool for that.


• Community Support: Prefer options that have strong community support and documentation, if available and reflect reliability and long-term viability.


Strategies for a Smooth Migration

Approaching migration with a structured strategy can greatly enhance the process:


• Start Small: Make sure to use the lowest criticality or simpler applications first. This will enable you to both manage your risks and learn from the process without impacting major systems.


• Pilot Projects: Pilot migration projects provide valuable feedback. Choose a project characteristic for a typical application within an organization but carrying no significant business risk.


• Gradual scale-up: After your pilot project is successful, you can start to scale up your migration efforts very gradually. Learn from your mission-critical and more complex applications’ mistakes.


• Consider refactoring: Some applications may need refactoring before being containerized. For example, refactoring can mean that one would split a monolithic application into a set of microservices or make an application stateless if possible.


Ensuring your team is container-ready is as important as the technical migration aspects. Provide training to upskill the existing team on resources available over the internet on container technologies and Kubernetes. For example, there are a number of online platforms providing courses related to this from introductory to an expert level.

Of course, this would be very strategic to bring in an external organization to help in the shifting of legacy applications to containers. This brings out a number of advantages that would help in smoothening the process, reducing the risks, and realizing more benefits from the move into a containerized environment. Here are some compelling reasons and advantages for enlisting external expertise:


Access to Specialized Knowledge and Experience:


Expertise: Providing years of expertise around container technologies and their migration to success across many industries. They bring experience
involving best practices and potential pitfalls your migration can be involved in.

Stay Abreast with Technology: That’s the sure deal that your solutions are in line with advancements in technology, such as new developments in
containerization and orchestration tools like Docker and Kubernetes. In essence, you will be able to implement the best and efficient state-of-the-art


Enhanced Focus on Core Business Activities:

• Resource Allocation: Outsourcing ensures that most of the technical complexities involved in the migration are offloaded; this enables your
internal teams to remain focused on the core business functions rather than drift into the many demands of a complex migration project.
• Reduced Learning Curve: Your staff does not need a couple of days or weeks to train in order to be up-to-date with container technology. The outsourced team will help fill the skills gap and assist your business in adaptation to new technologies much quicker and more productively.


Risk Mitigation:

• Tried-and-Tested Methodologies: This would mean that, while the provider’s internal team might have much more knowledge of an organization’s IT setup, they would use proven methodologies—developed over many projects—as a much better insurance policy against risks


• Unchanging support: They provide unchanging support and maintenance post-migration, which helps in very quickly getting issues resolved and making iterative improvements to the infrastructure.

Cost Efficiency:

• Predictable Spending: The cost of outsource teams may be lower than developing an internal team, for there would be added costs from the companies involving recruitment, training, and the retention of services from experienced IT practitioners.


• Scalability: The outer crew can increase their services according to your project needs. This is much more flexible in comparison to hiring employees on a full-time basis, and therefore, much better budget control is allowed.

Accelerated Migration Timeline:

• Faster Timeframe: Having expert external teams with relevant experience and resources will make a huge difference to the timeframe it takes to
complete the migration. This will be enabled by the tools and processes they have, making it easy to transfer the applications with minimal disturbances from the day-to-day operations.

• Immediate impact: from improved scalability, better efficiency, and improved operational flexibility, these benefits of the rapid deployment bring the
containerization in the organization’s life sooner than later.


Objective Assessment and Customization

• Unbiased Recommendations: Get the unbiased recommendations for your IT infrastructure or those even changes that your team may overlook.

• Solutions Tailored for You: They bring their knowledge of serving the tailored solutions that fit differing organizational needs and constraints to perfection. So, the migration strategy aligns spot-on with your business goals.

At Mismo Systems, we understand that migrating your legacy applications to containers can seem daunting. That’s why our team of experienced engineers is dedicated to simplifying your transition, ensuring a smooth and efficient migration process. With our expertise, you can unlock the full potential of containerization to enhance scalability, efficiency, and deployment speed.

Why Choose Mismo Systems?

• Expert Guidance: Our seasoned engineers guide you through the entire migration process, from initial assessment to full-scale deployment, ensuring your business achieves its strategic goals with minimal disruption.

• Customized Solutions: At Mismo Systems, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all answers. We create tailored solutions that fit the unique needs of your business and maximize your investment in container technology.


• Ongoing Support: Post-migration, our support team is here to help you manage your new containerized environment, from optimizing performance to implementing the latest security protocols.

If you’re ready to transform your legacy applications with containers, Mismo Systems is your go-to partner. Contact us today to learn more about how we can lead your business into the future of technology.

At this point, you should have a pretty good foundation under you for planning your migration to containers. Remember that the steps above will help ensure that you are not just transitioning properly but in a manner that is sustainable.


DevOps with AWS

Posted on February 23rd, 2021 by admin@mismo2023

What is CI CD?

Continuous Integration

Developers work on the code which is stored in a code repository.  Code repository can be GitHub, AWS CodeCommit etc. As developers keep making changes to the code and push to the code repository, a build server builds the code and runs the tests. Build Server can be AWS CodeBuild, Jenkins etc.

This process is called continuous integration. Developers focus on developing code and not building and running tests. It helps to identify and fix bugs faster and have code available for frequent releases.

Continuous Delivery and Deployment

With Continuous integration, you have automated the code build and testing. The next step is to deploy the code. For this, you can use a deployment server which can be AWS CodeDeploy, Jenkins etc. The deployment server will take the code from the build server and push the code to the test/prod environment.

With Continuous delivery, you will have a manual step to approve the deployment. The deployment will be automated and repeatable. With Continuous deployment, no manual steps are required, and deployment will be fully automated.

In practical scenarios, continuous deployment can be used to push the deployment to test & UAT servers while manual approval can be used for production deployment.

Also Read:- Breakout Rooms and Its Usage – Microsoft Teams

AWS Technology Stack for CI CD

Code Commit can be used as a private code repository for version control for collaboration, backup and audit. It includes all the benefits of AWS i.e., Scale, Security, Compliance and integration with other services including AWS Code Build, Jenkins etc. You can use GIT to integrate your local repository with the Code Commit repository. You can configure role-based access, notifications and triggers. For e.g. You can configure a trigger to execute a lambda function for automation.

Code Build A fully managed build service can be an alternative to tools like Jenkins. It has all the benefits of a managed service i.e., scale, security and no maintenance overhead and power of integration with services like Cloud Watch for notifications & alerts and Lambda for automation. It uses Docker containers under the hood (you can use your own docker image as well), is serverless and pure Pay as You Go (PAYG).

Code Deploy managed service by AWS is to deploy code on EC2 instances or on-premises machines. Code deploy can be used instead of tools like terraform, ansible etc. if it meets your requirement of continuous deployment. You can group the environment such as prod, dev etc. Code deploy will not provide resources for you. Code deploy agent will be running on the server/EC2 instance and will perform the deployment.

Code Pipeline to orchestrate the whole deployment. It supports code repositories such as GitHub, Code Commit, build tools such as Code Build, Jenkins, deployment tools such as Code Deploy, Terraform, and load testing tools. It creates artefacts for each stage.

All these services can easily use powerful management and monitoring tools like CloudWatch for logging and monitoring.

Major Cloud Concerns – Do corporate agents, cyber hackers, and governments have access to my data if it is in the cloud?

Posted on February 2nd, 2021 by admin@mismo2023

This is one of the major cloud concerns for many companies, but it is irrational. Your IT team manages access, sets rights and restrictions, and provides smartphone access and options & your corporation remains the sole owner of the venture. You maintain your rights, title, and interest in the data contained in Office 365.

When safeguarding your data, we operate under several key principles:

  •  We may not use your data for advertising purposes or for any reason other than supporting you with services that you have paid for.
  •  If you want to change providers, you will be taking your data with you.
  • Privacy controls enable you to configure who has access to and what they can access in your company.
  •  Extensive auditing and monitoring avoid admins from getting inappropriate access to your files.
  •  Customer Lockbox for Office 365 leaves customers with clear power in unusual cases where a Microsoft developer could perhaps need to access customer data to tackle an IT problem.

Strict safeguards and architecture elements preclude your data from mingling with those of other organizations, and our data centre workers will never have unprivileged access to your data which is one of the major cloud concerns. 

The standard establishes a uniform, international approach to protecting privacy for personal data stored in the cloud. It reinforces that:

• You are in control of your data.

• You are aware of what is happening with your data.

• We provide strong security protection for your data.

• Your data will not be used for advertising.

• Microsoft encourages government inquiries to be made directly to you unless legally prohibited and will challenge attempts to prohibit disclosure in court.

Follow us on Quora for Cloud related queries!

Top 10 Elements of The Cloud

Posted on December 4th, 2020 by admin@mismo2023

In this blog I will be talking about the Top 10 elements of Cloud.

Virtual Network: Create a logically isolated section in Microsoft Azure and securely connect it outward.

VM: Windows Azure Virtual Machines is a scalable, on-demand IaaS platform you can use to quickly provision and deploy server workloads into the cloud. Once deployed, you can then configure, manage, and monitor those virtual machines, load-balance traffic between them.

Azure Storage: Microsoft Azure Storage is a Microsoft-managed cloud service that provides storage that is highly available, secure, durable, scalable, and redundant.

Load Balancer: A load balancer that distributes incoming traffic among backend virtual machine instances.

Azure Traffic Manager: Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager allows you to control the distribution of user traffic for service endpoints in the different datacentre.

Application Gateway: Scalable layer-7 load balancer offering various traffic routing rules and SSL termination for the backend.

Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR): BCDR plan is a plan to keep your data safe, and apps/workloads running when planned and unplanned outages occur.

Azure Active Directory:  (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s Cloud-Based identity and access management service, which helps your employees sign in and access.

Azure Backup: Simple and reliable server backup to the cloud.

Reliable off site data

a) Convenient offsite protection
b) Safe data
c) Encrypted backups

A simple and integrated solution

a) Familiar interface
b) Windows Azure integration

Efficient backup and recovery

a) Efficient use of bandwidth and storage
b) Flexible configuration
c) Flexibility in recovery
d) Cost-effective and metered by usage

Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed computing model designed for developers to stream high-bandwidth files faster, efficiently, and reliably to worldwide customers. Azure CDN is typically used for delivering static content such as Images, Videos, Style sheets, documents, files, Client-side scripts, and HTML pages to customers using servers that are closest to users.

 App Service Plan: App Service plans to represent the collection of physical resources used to host your apps.

Azure Web Apps: Azure Web Apps enables you to build and host web applications in the programming language of your choice without managing infrastructure.

Azure SQL: A relational database-as-a-service, fully managed by Microsoft. Delivers predictable performance, elastic scale, business continuity, and programmatic functionality. For cloud-designed apps when near-zero administration and enterprise-grade capabilities are key.

Thanks for reading!